Plant Sumo Interviews - brooke mader
Brooke Mader
Nutrition by Brooke
Brooke is a Clinical Holistic Nutritionist and has her own private practice Nutrition By Brooke. She recieved her Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health. Brooke is passionate about helping people reverse type 2 diabetes using a natural, personalized lifestyle approach. Brooke’s philosphy: Don’t count calories. Eat whole, real foods that induce satiety like mineral dense protein, healthy fat and fibrous vegetables. You are human, focus on balance, not perfection. Accept who you are, love who you are and build a lifestyle focusd on health, not some abstract idea of perfection. Punishing yourself for failing is unhealthy and breeds disappointment. Instead, set realistic goals, make them habit and enjoy the heck out of your healthy life!
Checkout Brooke’s: LinkedIn
Company Profiles
I'm a nerd and really love Digestion Wellness by my mentor Dr. Liz Lipski
I take deep breaths, stretch and add some lionsmane to some warm coconut milk to rebalance and refocus. But really for me, it's all about the deep breaths.
Staying hydrated and going to bed early.
"Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates.
"The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.” David Cuschieri.
"A negative mind will never give you a positive life."
Not take everything seriously. It's always a good idea to bring a good attitude into every situation.
I am a Clinical Holistic Nutritionist. I specialize in helping people reverse their type 2 diabetes and getting off medication. Helping people lower their A1c, stop injecting insulin, losing weight and regaining their life back is so rewarding.
I see nutrition gaining in popularity. People are getting tired with the model of having a pill for every ill. Thousands of years ago Hippocrates said, “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” We have the power to prevent and reverse dis-ease and imbalances, with the foods that we eat. Herbs are powerful, so powerful that pharmaceutical companies design their drugs from them.
I don't even know yet about it 🙂
Don't You Worry Child by Sweish House Mafia
The clinic I was working for got shut down due to covid, and it helped me to take the leap of going full time in my private practice.
Any earthy color! But right now I really like pine-green.
I'm creating an online 'Reverse Diabetes, Naturally' course. 🙂 I am also playing around with creating medicinal herbal spice blends to add to coffee, teas and food.
I stopped labeling myself a long time ago. It made me feel guilty if I ever ate something that I told myself and others I don't eat, it made it really hard to go to a loved one's home for a shared meal, etc. I do prmote plant based and make that the.
Truth: rest days are just as important as exercising. And it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you move your body.
Essential oil diffuser. I love having it on at my desk and diffusing peppermint, frankincense, thieves, citrus, etc.
That protein bars make good meal replacements.
Any bowl from Eve's in Encinitas, California!
Still waiting for that day to come...
Whatever you do, do it well.
Start today. A year from now you'll wish you have,
Portrait photography. I really like capturing people's emotion in pictures.
This is silly, but I've always admired my sister. She's smart, witty and it's always nice being around her. She's very grounding for me.
Meditation. You don't need much time and the benefits are unbelievable.
The fads are always surpring to me. Toting certain superfoods to be the end all be all has always baffled me. Also, what companies will do for money- suppelements especially. Don't buy supplements if they are not third party tested. They are not FDA regulated and you never know what cheap ingredients companies are using and getting away with.
At home in Maryland by the fireplace with my family.
Barre! I love that you get a little bit of cardio, muscle fatigue with low weights and a wonderful stretch. I found that it's the best for my body.
Pure barre does it all for me!
Speaking other languages.
Warm chia-flax pudding.
About the Author
Heather Wilkinson is a globe-trotting content creator and PR enthusiast who’s finally put down roots in her native UK. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her pretending to care about Minecraft for her son’s sake, while secretly reading the latest Ace Atkins novel (or sleeping – her second favourite past-time).