Plant Sumo Interviews - cliff harvey
Cliff Harvey
Holistic Performance Institute
Dr Cliff Harvey (PhD, DipFit, DipNat) is a registered clinical nutritionist, former world champion and world record-holding strength athlete, and researcher. He has been coaching people ranging from world champion athletes through to the chronically and acutely unwell to perform at their best, since the 1990s. Cliff’s research has focussed on the use of medium-chain triglycerides to mitigate ‘keto-flu’ and encourage faster induction of nutritional ketosis, and on identifying markers of carbohydrate tolerance and appropriateness of different diets to individuals. He is the founder of the Holistic Performance Institute, a private tertiary college, and a board member of the Clinical Nutrition Association, the Sports Nutrition Association, and a technical advisor to the Health Coaches Association of New Zealand & Australia.
Checkout Cliff’s: LinkedIn
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Probably 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho. I haven't given this for a long time but there was a time when a bunch of my clients really benefitted from the book and I gave quite a few away as a result.
I stop, take a break, and either do some light bodyweight exercise, mobility, or a mindfulness of breath meditation. If I can't get my 'mojo' back, I take the rest of the day off!
Stop. Breathe.
I have really appreciated the comments, suggestions, and wisdom of my students. I'm not 'old' but I'm a middle-aged white dude and while I was considered super-progressive when I was younger, the world continues to move forward, and to be on the right side of history, we need to learn from the new generations.
We train nutrition coaches, health coaches, sports nutritionists, and clinical nutritionists at The Holistic Performance Institute. I believe we're adding value by providing holistic yet highly evidence-based information and education and allowing credible pathways to registration and accreditation for our students.
I'd love to be a crooner!
I'm an omnivore. We eat loads of veggies...and I was a vegetarian for many years but now I find my health is best when I eat a little meat.
Kindle Paperwhite. I read at least a novel a week and this lets me read without lugging books and without waking up my partner!
That any particular diet is THE way. Some people thrive on low-carb, high-carb, high-fat, low-fat etc. It's horses for courses and nutrition is about waaaay more than just physiology...the psychosocial milieu is equally as important.
I have a simple 'go to' plant-based meal. I take a whole bunch of salad greens, drizzle with white wine or rice vinegar, add pumpkin seeds and either sprouted lentils or mung beans, and dress with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.
Investing time into 'me' whether it's for training, gardening, meditation etc is the best and most worthwhile investment I have made.
I was kicked out of high school and shortly after was kicked out of University nutrition class. I guess I've always been a bit of a rebel and I haven't always been on 'the right side of the tracks' (I outline my journey in my latest book "The Credo") but not because of a desire to be contrary but instead because of a sense of natural justice and scientific enquiry. Interestingly many years later I completed my doctorate in Nutrition at the University that had kicked me out of nutrition class!
Do the most important thing first...and do it every day. Simple.
Catch wrestling
About the Author

Heather Wilkinson is a globe-trotting content creator and PR enthusiast who’s finally put down roots in her native UK. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her pretending to care about Minecraft for her son’s sake, while secretly reading the latest Ace Atkins novel (or sleeping – her second favourite past-time).