Plant Sumo Interviews - hannah roman
Hannah roman
Half Moon Yoga and art
Yoga teacher Hannah Faulkner unites her passions on Half Moon Yoga and Art. She’s an adventurer, artist, and writer who draws inspiration from her surroundings to create and engaging blog. Hannah further creates balanced, fun, intellectual, refreshing yoga sequences that take you on far away imaginary journeys while also teaching deeper yoga philosophy and wellness concept.
Company Profiles
A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
An Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramanhansa Yogananda.
To still my mind, I pause and take a deep, conscious breath of gratitude that I am alive in this moment. As I inhale, my diaphragm expands and as I exhale, it contracts. I continue until I am connected with my higher, inner, Self once again.
Three years ago, I transitioned to a vegetarian, then vegan diet, incorporating a weekly day of fasting. Now, I feel lighter, cleaner, and healthier. And, my karma has greatly improved as well.
Bear Grylls makes survival in nature look so easy and he keeps a cheerful outlook throughout life’s surprises.
I love visiting/exploring new places that I haven’t been before, both in the city and the natural world. Internationally, I’ve frequented France, Bali, Greece, and Spain. But, locally in California, I return to Catalina Island and Yosemite National Park often.
Blueberry-Almond Smoothie
Coldplay Viva la Vida & Sky Full of Stars.
I love making Lentil Tacos from scratch with homemade gluten-free tortillas, corn, avocado tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions, shredded cabbage, lime juice, and cashew sour cream.
The two quotes that I recite to myself most often are: “Be brave. The brave alone enjoy the world.” -Swami Rama “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” -Leonardo da Vinci
Investing my time and money in traveling the world has taught me about religion, philosophy, myself, and humankind.
Half Sun Salutation, also known as Ardha Surya Namaskar, is a simple vinyasa (movement with breath) that can release tension in the shoulders, neck, lower back, and hamstrings while building strength in the core and legs. From standing tall in Mountain Pose, inhale to reach both arms up to the sky, exhale to turn the palms out, lean forward and release the arms and head toward the earth. Inhale to slightly bend the knees and reach all the way back to the sky (palms facing each other), and exhale to bring them together at the heart’s center.
Mostly vegan. On very rare occasions when traveling or dining out, I may order a vegetarian entrée (but never meat) if a vegan option is not available.
Again, how could I choose just one! I’ll start with sweet potatoes, then arugula, artichokes, beets, brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, etc.
About the Author

Heather Wilkinson is a globe-trotting content creator and PR enthusiast who’s finally put down roots in her native UK. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her pretending to care about Minecraft for her son’s sake, while secretly reading the latest Ace Atkins novel (or sleeping – her second favourite past-time).